
some important downloads

We use for online training & support

Remote desktop software by AnyDesk: connect to all devices for remote support & online collaboration. Free for personal use.

Acrobat Reader
Most of our guides & info are PDF's

Adobe Acrobat Reader is the free global standard for reliably viewing, signing, and commenting on PDF documents.

Links for proofing websites & stores

Don’t waste time putting arrows, highlighting & resizing your comments. With Use Pastel, comment and share your amendments in one click.

We use for automating social media

Woofy offers content creation & automation automagically. Automate social media, blogging and, smart speaker marketing content!

Hosting and Domain Names

IONOS is great for online tools including Domain names, Hosting, Marketing tools, Online storage, Email and Office and so many more tools.
Sales Funnels/Email automation offers sales funnels, autoresponder, membership site, affiliate program & more. Generate leads and sales starting for Free!

We use for creating sites

Elementor is a world leading website builder that works with WordPress. This is our preferred plugin due to how easy it is to use.

We use for video calls

Zoom offers businesses various online communication and collaboration tools. Free and Paid plans to help your business.

Please note that by accessing third-party sites through our platform, Onzigo Digital assumes no responsibility for the content, accuracy, or availability of these external sites.

Email Instructions & Information

When we set-up email for our customers we want them to be able to set-up on any device, so here’s the instructions.

The Small Business Tool Box

All the tools, books and resources you need for your business to succeed